Guide To Compost Corn Cob?

Composting is an excellent way to reduce the use of plastic garbage bags, enrich the soil of your garden with organic fertilizer, and save space in ever-shrinking landfills. The vegetable food scraps, eggshells, almost anything but meat and dairy scraps can be mixed into the backyard compost pile, and corn cobs have no exception

They’re a good source of generating heat, that speeds the decay of other vegetable types. Composting corn cobs in small pieces further accelerates the process. For composting China corn cobs, you’ll need;

Directions for composting Corn Cob

  • Sharp knife or food processor
  • Gloves
  • Cutting board
  • Shovel or spade

Chop up the corn cobs into 2-inch length with a sharp knife. Use a food processor on chop setting if you have one

Now, mix the corn bob pieces in with other vegetable waste like; corn husks and silk, potato, carrot peelings, and wilted lettuce

Place the mixture in a compost pile. If you want to make one, puncture an old garbage can, and a lid with holes for ventilation. Add a few shovels of topsoil that contains earth worms, some leaf litters, grass clippings, and plenty of moisture

Mix the cobs and food scraps into the soil with a shovel or spade until they are well buried

Water the compost pile only if gets dry enough that cause bugs and worms to die. Make sure that moisture from decay and rainfall should be sufficient. Turn the pile every two weeks with a shovel or spade and keep mixing in new food waste as you produce it

Corn cobs will release silica and potash as they decompose both essential nutrients for good soil

Tips & Warnings

The small your chopped corn cob would be, the quicker and better they will decompose as the surface area for microbes to attach will be much greater by volume.

Never compose greasy food scarps like cheese or meat. They’ll stink and grow animals like rats, recons, feral dogs, and cats

Make a Corn Stock

Throw your corn cobs in a stock pot with a couple of flavors; cover with water; and bubble until the fluid arrives at a rich brilliant shading. Eliminate the cobs, and strain out the flavors; at that point, utilize the subsequent corn stock in any formula that calls for vegetable stock.

Freeze any that you don't plan to utilize immediately. I like to freeze my stock and stocks in 16 ounces and quart holders, so it's anything but difficult to snatch the perfect sum for any formula.