Effectiveness of UV sterilization for viruses and bacteria

Whether you’re looking for ways to sterilize your counters or sketchy hotel sheets, UV sterilization is perfect for you. Do you think UVC sterilization is effective for cleaning purposes? Does it work well for bacteria and other viruses? A multitude of questions arises in the microbiology field. With the growing popularity of UV sterilization, more and more worthy products are coming into the market.


For years and years, UV light is being used for various sterilization and disinfection purposes. With the advent of technology, and particularly in UV bulbs, it’s dependable with a longer lifespan and smaller size. It has broadened the field and it’s being used in a multitude of sectors. The UVC sterilization supplier has designed it for disinfecting water, fruits, vegetables, utensils, tablets, computers, and a variety of surfaces.  


However, when it comes to UV sterilization, not all kinds of UVC leave a good impact. It’s important to get a little technical, beyond violet sterilization machine with a shorter wavelength and a limited range of electromagnetic waves. This type Of UV system is most commonly divided into three types with increased energy and reduced wavelength. They are highly effective for killing the microorganisms.


Whenever you’re shopping for a UV sterilization product, either in your home or business, always ensure to get the wavelength that falls into the range of UVC. 

How does UV sterilization work? 

UV sterilization is also known as ultraviolet germicidal irradiation which works by breaking down the chemical bond and scrambling the structure of proteins, which prevents the microorganism from increasing. It’s considered dead since it’s unable to produce a host and it’s no longer infectious. Since UV sterilization uses the energy to destroy the molecules, its effectiveness is completely dependent on the total energy that’s being affected by the length of exposure time and the distance from the light source. For instance, it doesn’t take more than one to two minutes for completing the entire sterilization process. 

Advantages of UV sterilization 

- No chemicals are needed and it’s exceedingly feasible to use. Therefore, no chemical residue will be left behind. 

- It has the capability of killing all types of microorganisms including drug-resistant bacteria. 

Disadvantages of UV sterilization

This is hazardous for humans. That is why UV sterilization is most commonly done by using lamps with protective shields. Always ensure to avoid the direct exposure of UVC to skin and eyes. There is an immense need to follow the time and safety precautions for any device.