8 Tips Before You Buy Food Container

So if you are still using old restaurant takeout boxes for containing food storage, and those old multicolored plastic boxes then you would need to see this.

The first time I heard about the plastic dangers of using plastic containers in my kitchen, I switched out to the metal containers. 

So I swapped out my food storage containers for glass snap and lock ones which were durable, microwave-safe and pretty enough to serve in. And for packing the leftovers (which did not need to heat up) and for children’s lunch bag for school, yes, plastic it was. But not all the plastics. After reading these 8 tips I went shopping for plastic for the kitchen.

  1. Look for the microwave-safe sign that whether the product is microwavable or not. Good quality plastic will always mention.
  2. Look for the BPA- free sign at the backside, current research says that the newest replacement for BPA in plastic food storage containers-BPS- isn’t also safe either, but there are no regulations around BPA yet. 
  3. Even if the product says that it is microwaveable, DO NOT use it for reheating in the microwave. Glass or ceramic bowls would do that much better.
  4. Look if the plastic recycling triangle is there on the bottom. A number 7 means that this product contains BPA. A pc means that it contains BPA. The safer the plastic is, it would mention the numbers 2, 4 and 5. 
  5. The lid should have a silicone gasket on the inside or be sung in another way. Try out the lid in the store if possible. The last thing you would do is to have the salad dressing in your child’s lunch bag. Also, lids are not made to go into the microwave. 
  6. Look for the dishwasher safe insignia. Then always keep it at the very top of the rack of the dishwasher.
  7. Think for similar shapes for boxes even if they aren’t from the same brand. They are easy to pile up in small storages. 
  8. The microwaveable plastic containers with lids should be easy opening for any little hands. That encourages the independence. Some snap locks were impossible for the little ones and they need help from someone.